Ralf Ramsauer

Dr.-Ing. Ralf Ramsauer (M.Sc.)


Mail: ralf.ramsauer@oth-regensburg.de
Phone: +49 941 / 943 - 9267
Address: OTH Regensburg, Galgenbergstrasse 32, 93053 Regensburg
Room: K-230

Open Theses

Looking for Hardware Hackers: RISC-V on FPGAs
Type: Master thesis
State: open
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: No Name

Research Interests

  • Modern Operating System Architectures
  • Embedded Systems
  • Embedded Virtualisation / Hardware Partitioning
  • Hardware/Software Co-Design
  • Real-Time Systems
  • Safety-Critical and Mixed-Criticality Systems


Supervised Theses


Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems Using Model-Based Quantification
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer, Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Benno Bielmeier (submitted: 10. Feb 2025)
Reduction of Virtual Memory Management Overhead: Exploration of Hardware Mechanisms for Second-Level Paging
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Lukas Landgraf (submitted: 10. Feb 2025)
Tailoring CPUs: Custom modifications of the Rocket-Chip Core in Chisel
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Felix Wagner (submitted: 10. Feb 2025)


Integration of optical computation in processor architectures for automotive use cases
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer, Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Florian Schulenberg (submitted: 01. Mar 2024)
Automatisierte Übungserfassung und Wiederholungserkennung mithilfe einer Smartwatch
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Markus Schottenhammer (submitted: 13. Mar 2024)
Entwicklung eines Linux-Kernel-Moduls zum transparenten Tunneln von CAN Schnittstellen über IP-Netzwerke
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Matthias Unterrainer (submitted: 01. Jul 2024)
Looking for Hardware Hackers: RISC-V on FPGAs
Type: Master thesis
State: open
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: No Name



Snapshots in Linux Userspace -- Design and Application of a Copy-on-Write Memory Allocation Scheme
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Mario Mintel (submitted: 08. Aug 2022)
Kernel-Assisted Copy-on-Write Snapshots for Main-Memory HTAP Databases
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Lucas Wolf (submitted: 15. Sep 2022)


Maintainers Expectations vs. Maintainers Reality
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Pia Eichinger (submitted: 30. Sep 2020)
Diese herausragende Arbeit wurde bereits einem breiteren akademischen und industriellen Publikum vorgestellt.
Combining Patchwork and PaStA
Type: Research project
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Rohit Sarkar
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Student


Systemkonsolidierung eines Industrieroboters mit Hilfe des safety-kritischen Hypervisors Jailhouse
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Mario Mintel (submitted: 13. Sep 2019)
Analysis of Ignored Patches in the Linux Kernel Development
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Sebastian Duda (submitted: 20. Dec 2019)
In Kooperation mit der Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen


Portierung eines Echtzeitbetriebssystems in eine virtualisierte Mixed-Criticality Umgebung
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Andreas Kölbl (submitted: 05. May 2017)

External Reporting


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