Maniraman Periyasamy

Maniraman Periyasamy (M.Sc.)

Doctoral Student





IEEE Conference
Guided-SPSA: Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation assisted by the Parameter Shift Rule
Maniraman Periyasamy, Axel Plinge, Christopher Mutschler, Daniel D. Scherer, Wolfgang MauererProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering2024.
PDF 10.1109/QCE60285.2024.00177 [BibTex]


An Empirical Comparison of Optimizers for Quantum Machine Learning with SPSA-Based Gradients
Marco Wiedmann, Marc Hölle, Maniraman Periyasamy, Nico Meyer, Christian Ufrecht, Daniel D. Scherer, Axel Plinge, Christopher MutschlerIEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, QCE 2023, Bellevue, WA, USA, September 17-22, 2023IEEE2023.
10.1109/QCE57702.2023.00058 [BibTex]
Batch Quantum Reinforcement Learning
Maniraman Periyasamy, Marc Hölle, Marco Wiedmann, Daniel D. Scherer, Axel Plinge, Christopher MutschlerCoRRabs/2305.009052023.
PDF 10.48550/ARXIV.2305.00905 [BibTex]
Cutting multi-control quantum gates with ZX calculus
Christian Ufrecht, Maniraman Periyasamy, Sebastian Rietsch, Daniel D. Scherer, Axel Plinge, Christopher MutschlerQuantum72023.
10.22331/Q-2023-10-23-1147 [BibTex]
Optimal joint cutting of two-qubit rotation gates
Christian Ufrecht, Laura S. Herzog, Daniel D. Scherer, Maniraman Periyasamy, Sebastian Rietsch, Axel Plinge, Christopher Mutschler2023.
PDF 2312.09679 [BibTex]


Journal 4.45
Uncovering Instabilities in Variational-Quantum Deep Q-Networks
Maja Franz, Lucas Wolf, Maniraman Periyasamy, Ch. Ufrecht, D. Scherer, A. Plinge, Ch. Mutschler, Wolfgang MauererJournal of The Franklin InstituteElsevier (Open Access)2022.
PDF 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2022.08.021 Reproduction Package [BibTex]
A Survey on Quantum Reinforcement Learning
Nico Meyer, Christian Ufrecht, Maniraman Periyasamy, Daniel D. Scherer, Axel Plinge, Christopher MutschlerCoRRabs/2211.034642022.
PDF 10.48550/ARXIV.2211.03464 [BibTex]
How to Get the Most Out of U-Net for Glacier Calving Front Segmentation
Maniraman Periyasamy, AmirAbbas Davari, Thorsten Seehaus, Matthias Braun, Andreas Maier, Vincent ChristleinIEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.152022.
10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3148033 [BibTex]
Incremental Data-Uploading for Full-Quantum Classification
Maniraman Periyasamy, Nico Meyer, Christian Ufrecht, Daniel D. Scherer, Axel Plinge, Christopher MutschlerIEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, QCE 2022, Broomfield, CO, USA, September 18-23, 2022IEEE2022.
10.1109/QCE53715.2022.00021 [BibTex]