Laboratory for Digitalisation — Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mauerer

The Laboratory for Digitalisation primarily focuses on the intersection between three research areas: Quantum Computing, Systems Engineering, and Software Engineering. Future computing systems will leverage non-classical algorithms, and their hardware and software architectures need to combine advantages of classical and quantum processing units. Consequently, scientific progress needs interdisciplinary thinking across fields now more than ever. The group seeks cross-cutting answers to highly topical scientific questions and participates in active transfer into applications.

Quantum Computing

We work towards quantum advantage on gate-based quantum computers and quantum annealers by designing integrated quantum algorithms, systems and software.

Systems Engineering

The Systems Architecture Research Group investigates modern architectures for embedded systems, with a strong focus on OSS components. Head: Dr.-Ing. Ralf Ramsauer

Software Engineering

We further quantum and classical software engineering by mining quantitative insights using statistics and machine learning, with a particular focus on reproducibility.

News and Trivia

Web Services

Publicly avaliable Services hosted by the Laboratory for Digitalisation:

We're Hiring!

You want to contribute to ongoing research at the Laboratory for Digitalisation? Check out our list of Open Topics, or drop us an email, if you find none of the presented theses ideas interesting, or you have this one brilliant idea you want to pursue.



2024-05-08 Einweihung des Quantum Key-Distribution Systems

Das im Rahmen des Munich Quantum Valley beschaffte Quantum Key-Distribution System wird feierlich eingeweiht.

The Q-Data workshop will be collocated with SIGMOD 2024 and explore the potential of quantum computing and quantum-inspired hardware accelerators for data processing and data management.

Wolfgang Mauerer and international colleagues will host a workshop event to discuss and explore the opportunities of quantum computing and quantum machine learning with researchers from multiple disciplines (database, AI, physics, etc) in Guangzhou, China.

Past Events

2024-04-30 Meetup - Quantum Computing for Nuclear and High-Energy Physics@OTH

The LfD host an international, interdisciplinary exchange on quantum computing for nuclear and high-energy physics.

Wolfgang Mauerer contributes to Quantum Software Engineering Meetup.