Finished Theses

Portierung eines Echtzeitbetriebssystems in eine virtualisierte Mixed-Criticality Umgebung
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Andreas Kölbl (submitted: 05. May 2017)
Systemkonsolidierung eines Industrieroboters mit Hilfe des safety-kritischen Hypervisors Jailhouse
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Mario Mintel (submitted: 13. Sep 2019)
Analysis of Ignored Patches in the Linux Kernel Development
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Sebastian Duda (submitted: 20. Dec 2019)
In Kooperation mit der Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen
Assessing an industrial application of quantum annealers
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Student: Florian Loher (submitted: 20. May 2020)
Design and Implementation of a Generalized Conversion Framework for Trace Formats
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Student: Marco Eichenseer (submitted: 24. Jun 2020)
Mining Software Repositories to Analyze the Multivariate Collateral Evolution in Database Applications
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Student: Atalay Karatay (submitted: 12. Sep 2020)
Maintainers Expectations vs. Maintainers Reality
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Pia Eichinger (submitted: 30. Sep 2020)
Diese herausragende Arbeit wurde bereits einem breiteren akademischen und industriellen Publikum vorgestellt.
Combining Patchwork and PaStA
Type: Research project
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Rohit Sarkar
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Student
Leitwert-basierte Graphengenerierung für die Simulation von Entwicklernetzwerken
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Student: Tobias Scheuerer (submitted: 09. Feb 2021)
Reinforcement Learning mit parametrisierten Quantenschaltkreisen
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Project: QLindA
Student: Maja Franz (submitted: 31. Aug 2021)
Verfahren und Konzepte des quantenbasierten Reinforcement Learnings werden vorgestellt und daraus entwickelte Technologien experimentell untersucht.
Applicability of Quantum Computing on Database Query Optimization
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Project: QLindA
Student: Manuel Schönberger (submitted: 22. Dec 2021)
Snapshots in Linux Userspace -- Design and Application of a Copy-on-Write Memory Allocation Scheme
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Mario Mintel (submitted: 08. Aug 2022)
Kernel-Assisted Copy-on-Write Snapshots for Main-Memory HTAP Databases
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Lucas Wolf (submitted: 15. Sep 2022)
Uncovering Instabilities in Variational-Quantum Deep Q-Networks
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Project: TAQO-PAM, QLindA
Student: Maja Franz (submitted: 23. May 2023)
Assessing QAOA and Warm-Starting QAOA for Sudoku as a Graph Coloring Problem and Various Encodings Thereof
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Hila Safi
Student: Martin Gogeißl (submitted: 31. Jul 2023)
Improving the QUantum computing Application benchmaRK (QUARK) Framework
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Hila Safi
Student: Martin Meilinger (submitted: 12. Sep 2023)
Investigation of the Performance of Different QAOA Variants Under the Influence of Realistic Noise
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Hila Safi
Student: Simon Thelen (submitted: 29. Oct 2023)
Quantum Random Number Generation as a Service
Type: Research project
State: finished
Supervisor: Stefan Huber
Student: Simon Rothe
Refinement of a QRNG Linux Kernel Module and development of an API for Open Access of Quantum Random Numbers
Vergleich von Variationalen Quantenschaltkreis-Strukturen für Quanten-Reinforcement Learning
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Maja Franz
Student: Andreas Fellner (submitted: 20. Feb 2024)
Integration of optical computation in processor architectures for automotive use cases
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer, Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Florian Schulenberg (submitted: 01. Mar 2024)
Comparative Analysis of Parameter Selection Heuristics for the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Maja Franz
Project: TAQO-PAM
Student: Vincent Eichenseher (submitted: 05. Mar 2024)
Automatisierte Übungserfassung und Wiederholungserkennung mithilfe einer Smartwatch
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Markus Schottenhammer (submitted: 13. Mar 2024)
Analysis and Evaluation of Quantum Compilers
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Tom Krüger, Felix Greiwe
Student: Vincent Gierisch (submitted: 15. May 2024)
Entwicklung eines Linux-Kernel-Moduls zum transparenten Tunneln von CAN Schnittstellen über IP-Netzwerke
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Matthias Unterrainer (submitted: 01. Jul 2024)
Human Gait through Reinforcement Learning in Simulated Agents
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Benno Bielmeier
Student: Jonas Schmidt (submitted: 16. Jul 2024)
Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems Using Model-Based Quantification
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer, Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Benno Bielmeier (submitted: 10. Feb 2025)
Reduction of Virtual Memory Management Overhead: Exploration of Hardware Mechanisms for Second-Level Paging
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Lukas Landgraf (submitted: 10. Feb 2025)
Tailoring CPUs: Custom modifications of the Rocket-Chip Core in Chisel
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Felix Wagner (submitted: 10. Feb 2025)