
This list is just a collection of thesis ideas that was already formulated. We always have more interesting ideas, which were not written down yet, on the topics Quantum Computing, Software Engineering, System Architecture Research etc. Drop us an email, if you find none of the presented theses ideas interesting, or you have this one brilliant idea you want to pursue.

Open Topics

Test Framework for Jailhouse on RISC-V
Type: Master thesis
State: open
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Digital Annealing
Type: Bachelor-/Master thesis
State: open
Supervisor: Lukas Schmidbauer
Looking for Hardware Hackers: RISC-V on FPGAs
Type: Master thesis
State: open
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: No Name
Quanten Demonstrator Generator
Type: Bachelor-/Master thesis
State: open
Supervisor: Maja Franz
Quantensimulation Performance Evaluierung
Type: Bachelor-/Master thesis
State: open
Supervisor: Lukas Schmidbauer

Running Theses

Human Gait through Reinforcement Learning in Simulated Agents
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: running
Supervisor: Benno Bielmeier
Project: DInO
Student: Jonas Schmidt
Tailoring CPUs: Custom modifications of the Rocket-Chip Core in Chisel
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: running
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Felix Wagner

Finished Theses

2024 (6 theses)

Entwicklung eines Linux-Kernel-Moduls zum transparenten Tunneln von CAN Schnittstellen über IP-Netzwerke
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Matthias Unterrainer (submitted: 01. Jul 2024)
Analysis and Evaluation of Quantum Compilers
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Tom Krüger, Felix Greiwe
Student: Vincent Gierisch (submitted: 15. May 2024)
Automatisierte Übungserfassung und Wiederholungserkennung mithilfe einer Smartwatch
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Markus Schottenhammer (submitted: 13. Mar 2024)
Comparative Analysis of Parameter Selection Heuristics for the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Maja Franz
Project: TAQO-PAM
Student: Vincent Eichenseher (submitted: 05. Mar 2024)
Integration of optical computation in processor architectures for automotive use cases
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer, Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Florian Schulenberg (submitted: 01. Mar 2024)
Vergleich von Variationalen Quantenschaltkreis-Strukturen für Quanten-Reinforcement Learning
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Maja Franz
Student: Andreas Fellner (submitted: 20. Feb 2024)

2023 (5 theses)

Quantum Random Number Generation as a Service
Type: Research project
State: finished
Supervisor: Stefan Huber
Student: Simon Rothe
Refinement of a QRNG Linux Kernel Module and development of an API for Open Access of Quantum Random Numbers
Investigation of the Performance of Different QAOA Variants Under the Influence of Realistic Noise
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Hila Safi
Student: Simon Thelen (submitted: 29. Oct 2023)
Improving the QUantum computing Application benchmaRK (QUARK) Framework
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Hila Safi
Student: Martin Meilinger (submitted: 12. Sep 2023)
Assessing QAOA and Warm-Starting QAOA for Sudoku as a Graph Coloring Problem and Various Encodings Thereof
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Hila Safi
Student: Martin Gogeißl (submitted: 31. Jul 2023)
Uncovering Instabilities in Variational-Quantum Deep Q-Networks
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Project: TAQO-PAM, QLindA
Student: Maja Franz (submitted: 23. May 2023)

2022 (3 theses)

Kernel-Assisted Copy-on-Write Snapshots for Main-Memory HTAP Databases
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Lucas Wolf (submitted: 15. Sep 2022)
Snapshots in Linux Userspace -- Design and Application of a Copy-on-Write Memory Allocation Scheme
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Mario Mintel (submitted: 08. Aug 2022)

2021 (4 theses)

Applicability of Quantum Computing on Database Query Optimization
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Project: QLindA
Student: Manuel Schönberger (submitted: 22. Dec 2021)
Reinforcement Learning mit parametrisierten Quantenschaltkreisen
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Project: QLindA
Student: Maja Franz (submitted: 31. Aug 2021)
Verfahren und Konzepte des quantenbasierten Reinforcement Learnings werden vorgestellt und daraus entwickelte Technologien experimentell untersucht.
Leitwert-basierte Graphengenerierung für die Simulation von Entwicklernetzwerken
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Student: Tobias Scheuerer (submitted: 09. Feb 2021)

2020 (7 theses)

Combining Patchwork and PaStA
Type: Research project
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Rohit Sarkar
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Student
Maintainers Expectations vs. Maintainers Reality
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Pia Eichinger (submitted: 30. Sep 2020)
Diese herausragende Arbeit wurde bereits einem breiteren akademischen und industriellen Publikum vorgestellt.
Mining Software Repositories to Analyze the Multivariate Collateral Evolution in Database Applications
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Student: Atalay Karatay (submitted: 12. Sep 2020)
Design and Implementation of a Generalized Conversion Framework for Trace Formats
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Student: Marco Eichenseer (submitted: 24. Jun 2020)
Assessing an industrial application of quantum annealers
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Wolfgang Mauerer
Student: Florian Loher (submitted: 20. May 2020)

2019 (3 theses)

Analysis of Ignored Patches in the Linux Kernel Development
Type: Master thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Sebastian Duda (submitted: 20. Dec 2019)
In Kooperation mit der Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen
Systemkonsolidierung eines Industrieroboters mit Hilfe des safety-kritischen Hypervisors Jailhouse
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Mario Mintel (submitted: 13. Sep 2019)

2017 (2 theses)

Portierung eines Echtzeitbetriebssystems in eine virtualisierte Mixed-Criticality Umgebung
Type: Bachelor thesis
State: finished
Supervisor: Ralf Ramsauer
Student: Andreas Kölbl (submitted: 05. May 2017)